Arian's Art
As for my projects this week I have thrown these three bowls (and many other failures) and glazed 5 projects, 2 of which came out today and I am extremely proud of them :) they look great. 3 more are on the glaze shelf and hopefully coming out tomorrow, so I have a lot of paragraph writing to do this weekend to get caught back up. I'll be putting final photos up soon in the Gallery soon as well. Check it out!

I really like the shape of this wide bowl. I made it yesterday (Wednesday) and today I was able to foot it. It seems that I have been making a lot of my projects really thin on the bottom.. That might be something I should start working on. Well this one is now drying in my locker. I think its going to turn out really well.

I made this wide form bowl on Tuesday as well, and I footed it on Wednesday, let it dry over night and today I put it on the bisque shelf to be cooked. Hopefully the bottom isn't too thin.. I almost went through the foot yesterday! Fingers crossed it makes it out. 

I made this project on tuesday, and I was worried that the base was going to be too thin.. I was right. When i tried to foot it on Wednesday I strung it through the base when I was trying to take it off the bat. It was terribly disapointing. Oh well.

I made this pot on Thursday, as well as another wide bowl on Friday but I forgot to take a picture of that one. I really love the shape of this particular projects because it have a lot more body to it, more character I think! It is now footed and drying in my locker. The wide project I made on Friday is hardening in my locker and I'm going to foot it on Monday (hopefully its not too dry!). 

I apologize for not having added any of my final projects, hopefully I will have time to get some photo of them put up, as well as my paragraphs for them. Thanks for keeping up with the updates! 

I am SO excited. Today was a very good day :) I made this wide form on the wheel fairly easily and I had three projects come out of the glaze kiln, plus I put three more dried projects on the bisque shelf so I should be able to glaze them next week! I cant wait to get my other projects finished and glazed! Photos of my Final Projects will be posted soon in my Gallery, take a look! 

I made this project on Monday, and I am Extremely proud of it :) It is my biggest wheel project I have ever made and I think I am going to turn it in as my wide project for the semester. I footed it today and it is currently drying in my locker. Fingers crossed nothing happens to it.

Oh, and I glazed two bowls today too! One wider bowl is yellow with dripped shadow green and the other more cylinder looking bowl is half shadow green and half mystery. Hope they turn out good. Guess we'll see tomorrow

This is my 6th project, and I have a picture of it strait off the wheel from yesterday's posting. Today I tried to foot it.. It was going great until the balls of clay holding it on the wheel came off and it was RUINED! I was devastated. I thought It was gone for good, but then one of the girls in class suggested that I make it a more creative project. So.. I carved leaves and some lines into its sides, and since the foot was broken I made arches in it, so it has a creative touch. Much more than all my other projects anyways. 

This has also given me ideas for my Theme for the semester.. I'm thinking either nature or creativity. Maybe. We'll see. 

These are 3 more projects that I have made throughout the week, the first 2 were too wet when I tried to foot them and ruined the bottoms so both of them are going into the bisque without foots. Oh well. The one on the far right I made today and I think it is my best so far, I was able to keep it centered really well and I think I will be turning this one in as my tall project. We'll see. 
This is another small project that I made this last week. Simple, and extremely off centered, this will not be turned in, but its just another update on my slowing improving ceramics abilities. Its footed and on its way to the bisque shelf. 

This is a failed projected I attempted to make, it was going great until I had to foot it today. The clay balls that were holding the pot down came off and it flew off the wheel.. Completely ruined. It was very disappointing I must say. 

Well I seem to be getting back into the grove of things, thank goodness. This is another project I simply threw together after failing multiple times to create a tall project. Yet another bowl with a wider, flaring lip that has a fancier, vase like shape. Improvement, but not by much. Unfortunately I left it in my locker, unbagged, over the weekend and forgot that I hadn't footed it yet... So, unfortunately I had to put it on the bisque shelf unfooted. I wont be turning this one in, but I'm sure my mom will love it anyways! 

My first project of the year, a simple bowl with a thin lip, fresh off of the bisque shelf.

Earlier last week I attempted to throw a couple other projects but with little success, I think I'm still getting back in the rhythm of throwing on the wheel. It's all coming back though! With any luck I will be able to create a couple more projects this week. Fingers crossed.