Arian's Art

Advanced Ceramics 1st Quarter Report:

ADVANCED First quarter Ceramics Evaluation Due 10/29  

Name: Arian Ensley          Period: 4

Date: 28 October 2010

Please attach your notes that describe all the projects you have done this semester.  Put your score on the line beside the project title.

9.25 Tall form (cylinder) - 9/22/2010

9.75  Wide form - 9/30/2010

10 Set of three - 10/7/2010

☒ Wheel altered – 10/14/2010 
I made two of them, the first one's glaze didn't turn out so I am reglazing it, 
and the second one will come out of the bisque tommorrow (29/10/2010).

10 Choice project - 10/21/2010

10 Plate one - 10/28/2010

10 Plate two - 10/28/2010

10 Extra credit 

You should have 7blog entries – one per week

You should have all these projects in a gallery – good quality photos with captions – size, date, name of assignment

In a quareter review blog please respond to this …

Please describe your efforts towards participation and leadership. Did you take care to clean well? Mention if you were attentive at the beginning of class every day. 

How often do you use the pass?  Are you on task every day and all period? How social are you versus how much work do you do? How closely do you meet assignment deadlines?