Arian's Art
Well I haven't really done too much this week, didnt throw anything new, just finished glazing some projects, got 3 or 4 things out of the glaze kiln and a bunch more went in today. Plus, I finally finished my friend's mug, slipped and scored the handle on Monday, or maybe it was Tuesday.. I forget. The mug, as it was on the bisque shelf, is the photo on the far left and the other two photos are of the vase that I glazed today. The inside is that really cool looking dark blue and the outside is clear glaze stained with dark blue stain, I really hope it turns out well, it was more of an experiment. Ill put up photos of my other projects that came out of the glaze kiln today later, check them out! 

Today is March 25th...
...and I just wanted to add in some photos that my friend Paige was nice enough to take for me, since I was gone today. So here are my two projects that came out of the glaze kiln today! I LOVE THEM!!!!! I am soooo happy with them! Hope you like them as much as me! 
3/25/2011 07:28:27 pm

That is just a great post, I liked very much to go through it.


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