Arian's Art
This is a lidded project that was thrown on the wheel, the bottom is a vase and the top a small lid with a knob on the top to grasp. The bottom vase is approximately 3.5 in tall by 3 in wide, and the lid has a diameter of 2.5 in. The bottom half of the vase is thicker than the top, it has a small outwardly curved lip at the top and a footed ring on the bottom. The surface of the vase, both interior and exterior is smooth. The top side of the lid is entirely glazed in cobalt blue, and the vase its self has two "circular dip marks" paralleling each other on its outer surface that are also cobalt blue, then the entire project in covered in a clear glaze. The color of the lid and the paralleling "dip marks" of the cobalt glaze on the vase give the entire project a sense of unity between the vase and its lid. 

The vase on the far right is the skinny tall vase that I made earlier, It was just too difficult to try and foot so i carved some lines into it so it looks like leaves or grass reeds, I really like the look of it! The middle project is a planter that I decided to make today, a planter is the project that the beginners are working on right now so I figured I would make one too. I'm thinking I'm going to make this one my hand and wheel project by slipping and scoring on a small handmade object onto it. I think it will make a cute christmas present! And the picture on the far right is my multi-piece project as it looks on the glaze shelf, its glazed in shadow green and black that drips up and it splattered in black. I really hope it turns out looking cool :) 
This is a small vase that is very similar to the shorter one I made last week. I'm trying to expand my variety of shapes of projects that I make, just to see what different forms I can make. I also got 4 or 5 projects out of the glaze kiln today, a couple of them I really like, others not so much. I really hope I have the opportunity to make some more projects before the quarter is over. Got to finish all those Christmas Projects. 

This week I have mainly been focusing on getting my multi-piece project done in time, so I actually have even made anything else this week.. Sadly. But I have glazed a bunch of projects, and put a couple more on the bisque shelf to be fired this weekend, hopefully I will be able to get everything done in time for the end of the quarter. Over all this week has been kind of boring, havent really had the chance to make much in ceramics.. Hopefully ill be able to do more this