Arian's Art
Hey! Its May! :) Hopefully we will finally get some sun this month!!

Anyways - The two cylinders (the middle and far right one) are two projects I threw on Friday and bagged them for next week. I am hoping to make them both into mugs :) I might give the far right one to my mother for Mother's Day, maybe engrave her name in it or something.. Not sure yet, but we'll see. The middle one I might make for my dad, he deserves a nice big, sturdy mug for his soups and coffee! The one on the far left was the cylinder that I made last week and it was too dry to make into a mug so I was able to foot it and carve some cool little designs and shapes into its surface, and I carved out the lip to make interesting form. I'm hoping the grooves on the outside are deep enough for me to have the glaze only appear in the grooves and then do a clear over the whole thing. not sure what color yet thought. That cylinder and my round mug are drying and are going to be bisqued next week. Two other mugs are in the glaze kiln and should be out on Monday! YAY 

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